Muscovy Duck vs Other Duck Varieties in Singapore

Duck meat, although not as popular as other poultry options, provides unique tastes and textures that cater to sophisticated tastes. Among the many duck variants in Singapore markets, theMuscovy duck emerges as a standout due to its distinct qualities and culinary versatility.

Discover a detailed examination of Muscovy duck compared to other favoured duck types in the local market.

Muscovy Duck: A Distinctive Choice

Muscovy duck, known for its lean meat and rich flavour, differs significantly from other duck breeds commonly available in Singapore. Here are key points that set Muscovy duck apart:

  • Lean and Tender Meat: Muscovy duck meat is prized for its lean texture and tenderness, making it a versatile option for roasting and grilling.
  • Rich Flavour Profile: Compared to other ducks, Muscovy duck boasts a robust, gamey flavour that stands out in dishes requiring bold flavours.
  • Lower Fat Content: It is also notable for having lower fat content than most duck breeds, appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking flavorful yet lean protein options.

Pekin Duck: The Classic Choice

Muscovy Duck

Pekin duck, also known as the American or Long Island duck, is widely favoured for its mild flavour and succulent meat texture. Here’s how it compares:

  • Milder Flavour: Pekin duck offers a mild, slightly sweet flavour profile, making it a popular choice for various dishes, from soups to stir-fries.
  • Versatile Cooking Applications: Its tender meat and higher fat content than Muscovy duck make it suitable for dishes requiring a richer taste profile.
  • Crispier Skin: Pekin duck is known for its crispy skin when properly prepared, adding texture and visual appeal to culinary presentations.

Rouen Duck: A European Influence

Rouen duck, a close relative of the Pekin duck, is less common in Singapore but offers a distinct culinary experience:

  • Deep, Gamey Flavor: Similar to Muscovy duck, Rouen duck features a deeper, more pronounced gamey flavour profile that appeals to enthusiasts of robust duck dishes.
  • Dark Meat: It is known for its darker meat than Pekin duck, offering a richer taste that pairs well with bold sauces and spices.
  • Historical Significance: Rouen duck, historically valued in French cuisine, brings a touch of European culinary tradition to Singaporean markets.

Khaki Campbell Duck: The Egg-Laying Specialist

Khaki Campbell ducks are primarily valued for their prolific egg-laying capabilities rather than their meat, but they occasionally appear in speciality markets:

  • Lighter Meat: The meat of Khaki Campbell ducks is lighter and less flavorful than Muscovy and Rouen ducks, often used in dishes focusing on other ingredients or sauces.
  • Egg Production: They are renowned for their high egg production rates, making them a dual-purpose breed suitable for culinary and agricultural purposes.
  • Limited Culinary Use: Due to its leaner meat and less distinctive flavour, the Khaki Campbell duck is less commonly sought after for culinary applications in Singapore.

Availability and Market Presence

Amid Singapore’s bustling markets and specialty stores, the availability of fresh whole ducks in various varieties, including Muscovy duck, reflects consumer demand and culinary trends. Here’s a look at how these ducks are marketed and sourced:

  • Local Farms and Suppliers: Muscovy ducks are often sourced from local farms focused on quality and sustainability. It ensures freshness and traceability in Singaporean markets.
  • Imported Varieties: Pekin and Rouen duck are traditionally imported to meet the demand for specific culinary traditions and preferences.
  • Seasonal Considerations: Availability of different duck varieties may fluctuate seasonally, influencing pricing and consumer choices based on freshness and market supply.
  • Speciality Markets: Khaki Campbell ducks, although less common for meat consumption, may appear in speciality markets catering to niche culinary interests or specific dietary requirements.

Understanding the dynamics of availability and sourcing helps chefs and consumers navigate the market to select the best duck variety suited to their culinary needs and preferences.


Singapore’s lively poultry market gives way to vast duck meat options for consumers looking for a distinct culinary experience. Muscovy duck is known for its lean, tasty meat and is a popular option for dishes that require a bold flavour without too much fat. On the other hand, Pekin and Rouen ducks offer different taste profiles and textures, catering to various culinary preferences, from mild and tender to rich and gamey. Knowing these differences helps chefs and consumers make informed decisions when choosing duck varieties for their culinary creations, guaranteeing a delightful dining experience centred on fresh, high-quality duck meat.

Visit YSH Farm to embrace duck meat’s rich flavour and lean quality.