Diet tips for pre diabetes
People diagnosed with prediabetes are highly likely to develop diabetes type II. In prediabetes, there is resistance to the sensitivity of insulin by the cells, and they do not take up glucose as well as they did before; as a result, glucose builds up in the bloodstream and causes issues down the line. High glucose in the blood damages the blood vessels and the organs. However, early intervention in prediabetic stage helps to dodge this bullet.
While not all factors affecting prediabetes can be mitigated, there are some like lifestyle modifications that make a lot of difference. If you ask a top internal medicine doctor in Karachi, they will tell you that you that maintaining blood sugar levels through food and staying within a healthy weight range with regular workouts can help a lot.
Read on to know what diet tips can help for pre-diabetics:
Watch the glycemic index (GI) of the foods you eat
Glycemic index (GI) refers to amount of glucose a food produces after digestion and absorption. For instance, foods with high glycemic index spike the blood sugar, and do so fast. On the other hand, foods with low glycemic index tend to be lower in calories, and cause a steady and manageable rise in the blood sugar level.
Prediabetic people should consume foods with low glycemic index that are best for their blood sugar. Examples include: non-starchy vegetables, corn, oats, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta and sweet potatoes. To get an estimate of the foods that have low glycemic index make a note of the fiber content it contains. The higher the fiber content, the less spike in blood sugar it will cause. Make a meal with mixed GIs to slow down its digestion and minimize spikes in blood sugar. Food that’s digested slowly will also make you feel fuller for longer.
Portion control
Another way to limit GI is to portion control. Spread out the intake of carbs and fats over a number of small meals. There should be only 45 to 65 percent of your calories coming from carbs. Mindful eating habits can help to manage portion control. Focusing on flavors and textures helps to overlook the quantity, and satiates the body.
Be more active daily
Exercise helps to increase the insulin sensitivity in the cells, which means they will take up glucose from the bloodstream faster. For people with low stamina for physical activity, slowly building up the routine can help. Start with some stretches, and build up to at least thirty minutes of activity five days a week.
Get sufficient rest
Studies show lack of sleep can make losing weight harder. It can be difficult for the body to use insulin effectively if its sleep deprived, and increases the likelihood of diabetes. Some tips for sleeping timely include: avoiding caffeine after lunch, not using screen at least an hour before sleeping, not exercising before bed time, turning out the lights before sleeping, getting in bed at same time every day, and not sleeping during the daytime.
For further guidance, you can reach out to internal medicine specialist in Islamabad.