Different Types of Lawyers You Need for Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases range in severity. Sometimes, when a personal injury case becomes complicated, it’s better to have a panel of lawyers represent you or work on your case than just one. We have compiled the different types of lawyers you might need for your personal injury cases.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury cases are different from all other cases. In these cases, you have to prove the defendant committed the crime. The crime can be intentional or unintentional but neglectful. A personal injury lawyer helps you prove your case by gathering witness accounts and other proofs, preparing you for depositions, and more. 

A personal injury lawyer has to believe in their client with a persuasive tone. Most cases are settled outside of court. However, if they reach court, the lawyer must be convincing. When choosing the best personal injury lawyer, watch out for these qualities. 

Don’t consider representing yourself since they might ask you confusing questions or bring in reputable character witnesses against you. Take the help of the experts when you need them. 

Lemon Lawyer

Lemon law is about cars still under the original manufacturer’s warranty that have defects due to the negligence of the car company. If your personal injury was due to a car that was a lemon, the assistance of a lemon lawyer is paramount. 

This is not only to assist in proving the car is a lemon but also to help you get reparations and a replacement vehicle in exchange for the lemon. Normally, lemon law cases are simply about getting a replacement car. However, if involved in a personal injury case, a lemon law attorney becomes a huge asset.  

Similar to how several plaintiffs file a suit together, you could file several cases against the company together. You could dispute that the car was a lemon and that it caused your personal injury as well. 

Workers Compensation Lawyer

Workers Compensation Lawyer

If you were injured during work due to the negligence of your employers, then you deserve worker’s compensation. A worker’s compensation lawyer helps you achieve the most benefits possible while making sure you get your medical bills as soon as possible.  

Your employer or their insurance company might do their best to avoid any accountability for their actions or negligence. However, an astute worker’s compensation attorney knows how to fight a difficult battle. 

With regular worker’s compensation checks, you can be free to heal from the ordeal and find a new normal in life. That is why a worker’s compensation lawyer is necessary. 

Social Security Disability Lawyer

Applying for social security disability requires a lot of work and an extensive application. If you’re reading this, you or a loved one might have suffered a disability-causing injury, just finished the battle of getting workers’ compensation or a personal injury case, or might be getting ready for one. 

Your social security checks are necessary if you cannot work anymore due to your injury. So, to assist you in this, you can seek the help of a social security lawyer.