Enriching Your Soil for Optimum Productivity

One of your main concerns as a farmer is to have good soil to enrich your crops. No matter how blessed your soil is or rich in nutrients, years of planting depletes its nutrient. Soil depends on some vital features to create a bumper harvest for you.  SoHum super soil is nothing but the best kind of soil for your plant. Here is how to improve sand for agricultural use.

SoHum super soil is a soil you can trust to take care of your plant.

How to improve sandy soil

  • Sandy soils contain very little clay and organic matter. There are no structures, and particles can’t stick together, even if they are wet.
  • Till 5 inches of organic materials like well-rotted manure or compost into it, plant more cover crops in the offseason.
  • Mulch your plants, trees, and shrubs with organic materials like wood chips, straw, leaves, or hay. Mulching helps regulate soil temperature and conserve water. Add 2 more inches of organic material to the farmland yearly.

How to improve silty soil

  • Add an inch of organic materials such as well-rotted manure or compost, also grow more cover crops in the offseason. 
  • Till only when necessary, this will prevent soil compaction. Avoid resting farming equipment on the soil and foot traffic. Add a minimum of an inch of organic material yearly.

How to improve clay soil 

  • Till 4 inches of organic materials such as well-rotted manure or compost, grow more cover crops in the offseason.
  • Mulch your trees, plants, and shrubs with organic material. 
  • Soil can also be enriched by planting more cover crops that add organic matter to the soil. This leads to increased soil structure and promotes solid and productive soil. 
  • Using green manure or growing legumes to fix nitrogen through the air is a process of natural nitrogen fixation.
  • Using micro-dose fertilizer applications to stimulate casualties through plant uptake and other methods
  • Minimizing casualties through leaching.

Soil is disturbed in many ways. Some are inevitable. Reducing the rate of disturbance increases the health of your soil. You can do the following to reduce the rate of disturbance.

  • Rotate livestock
  • Limit tillage
  • Optimize organic manure input

Improving the rate of variety in your soil can break disease cycles, stimulate plant development, and empower habitat for pollinators and organisms living in your soil.

  • Integrate livestock
  • Use diverse crop rotations
  • Plant diverse cover crops

SoHum super soil has undergone different processes and has been recognized as soil suitable for plants. So, you can make them